Welcome! Wondering what you’ll find here? Or maybe you’re wondering about me?
My main goal here at juliehage.com is to provide updates and information on book releases and my journey as an author. My books are listed on the home page and occasionally I’ll put up a blog post about my thoughts on the writing process or my books.
In case you’re wondering who I am, here’s a quick rundown:
I’m Julie Hage, blogger here at juliehage.com and my other online home Filling the Jars (where I encourage readers to “Build Your Best Life by Planning, Simplifying, and Taking Action”). I’m also an Amazon best-selling author. You can see my Miss Fortune Kindle Worlds books here: amazon.com/author/jkhage and my nonfiction book “The ONE FOCUS Method” here: amazon.com/dp/1977560830
I’ve been an “aspiring writer” ever since I can remember, but finally took the first step toward pursuing my dream a couple of years ago. I began my first blog Filling the Jars, where I learned there is a lot more to being successful online than just dashing off thoughts on a laptop. (Oh… my… gosh… sooooo much more!)
Eventually, thanks to my supportive husband and an inspirational friend, I built up enough confidence to begin writing fiction for a wider audience. Now, I get to work from home and feel like I’m living my dream!
Although most of the site is dedicated to my current and upcoming releases, I also feel it’s important to help people who desperately want to publish their writing somehow, but either don’t know how to start or can’t overcome self-doubt.
If you’re interested in writing and publishing, I’m here to help! You will find the occasional blog post about writing, as well as a dedicated page of resources for writers and bloggers. I mainly focus on blogging and writing fiction for self-publication, but they often overlap with writing nonfiction and freelancing. Believe me, if I can do this, SO CAN YOU!
Craft your words. Unleash your superpower.
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